Tinuola, story of Mary
Photographer: Federico Tisa
Exhibit Title: Tinuola, story of Mary
Location: Italy
That’s the story of Mary, born on the 2nd of May 1994 in Mushalash, a small town in Lagos State in Nigeria. Her grandmother called her Tinuola, meaning "full of wealth" in the Yoruba language.
After a journey of more than 2.500 miles and endless time, from Lagos, Nigeria, she arrived in Sicily in October 2014 and was transferred to Florence shortly afterwards. Following the end of one of the hospitality projects, she was transferred once to Chivasso, a small town near Turin in 2017, as a guest of the Mary Poppins a non-profit organization that works with trafficked women.
I met her in April 2018. Time carried me to become her friend. Her white brother. That is what she calls me now.
In 2019, Mary leaves the project and starts a new life. A life not easy and full of difficulties, made of mistakes, steps forward, passions, pain, humiliation. A long bureaucratic path to regularization on Italian ground and the search for a job.
This is a small window on her world and on her incredible story.
I'm a documentary photographer from Turin who develops medium- and long-term projects using photography as a media dedicated to an anthropological narrative.
My work explores the human condition from a broad perspective, with a focus on the social and cultural context.
I studied architecture at the Polytechnic University of Turin. In 2015 I obtained a degree at the Italian Institute of Photography, then I continued my studies in photojournalism in Rome, where I achieved a master’s degree in photojournalism in 2017.
Since 2017, I had been working as an independent photographer and my work is published by national and international magazines.
mail: tisa.federico@gmail.com
ph. +39 338 46 11 573
web: federicotisa.com
Ig: federicotisa
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