Mathare, on the outskirts of Nairobi, is one of the largest collection of slums among those present in Kenya, hosting more than 5000,000 people. Inside, a subsistence agriculture project was tested, creating green areas in which the population can cultivate plots of land for their own food needs.

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A Green Chance. Mathare Slum subsistence agriculture project.

Roberto Nistri | Nairobi, Kenya

Mathare, on the outskirts of Nairobi, is one of the largest collection of slums among those present in Kenya, hosting more than 500,000 people. Inside, a subsistence agriculture project was tested, creating, in the immediate vicinity of the local hospital, green areas in which the population can cultivate plots of land for their own food needs. Some of the cultivated areas, entrusted to private individuals, also produce vegetables which are put on the market at very low prices. Both through direct sales to the local population, and through a network of small shops within the slum itself. Local and international NGOs have provided the infrastructures and the technical advice necessary for the start and development of the project. In a different area of ​​Mathare, many inhabitants have also started to cultivate the land independently, also creating micro fish farms. In these areas, located on the borders of inhabited areas, however, the population is forced to use the polluted small stream as the only source of water, into which a large part of the waste water from the agglomeration of dilapidated houses flows, make up the slum.

An International Photography Awards Winner is a Roman graduated in Biological Sciences, who has transformed since more than twenty years his passion for photography into a career. At the beginning as a ”pure and hard ” wildlife photographer. Then, extending his professional prospects to travel and documentary photography. In his many travels he has focused on the documentation of ethnic groups and peoples who are threatened by progress and by particular political and social conditions, in recent years in Ethiopia, Kenya, India, North Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Burkina Faso and Lebanon.;; Cell.+393384670822

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