JUDITH ANNA ROBERTS, 90, New York, NY (2025)
Time will give or take at will, but still we fight like hell to have it our way, always our way. So why not just sing or dance or stand on our heads and appreciate the chances?

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On Their Own: Women Over 90

Sara Bennett | United States

Portraits of women over the age of ninety who live alone in their own homes.

After my mother died at the age of 93, independent and healthy until the last few days of her life, I began thinking more about women of her age who live alone, have outlived their partners and most of their friends, and do not want to be uprooted. Despite our ongoing conversations and despite my awareness that our time together was not endless, there were so many aspects of my mother’s life that are still mysterious to me. And so I set out to meet women of her generation — women over the age of ninety who live alone. By photographing them and listening to their stories, I am trying to capture something personal to me and universal to all of us.


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