The Narikuravar people of Tamil Nadu
Photographer: Steff Gruber
Exhibit Title: The Narikuravar people of Tamil Nadu
Location: India
Outside the small town of Mahabalipuram in India’s southernmost state of Tamil Nadu, the settlement of Poonjeri is home to around 40 Narikuravar families.
The Narikuravar are a semi-nomadic community of around 30,000 people that are spread in small groups across the state. Historically, their main source of livelihood was hunting, but this has become almost impossible since laws were tightened to protect wild animals. Today, the Narikurava make a living primarily from making bead necklaces and other jewelry which they sell on the streets.
The Narikuravar people have experienced discrimination ever since ancient times and were long considered “untouchables”. In 2023, the Indian central government finally granted the Narikuravar people “scheduled tribe” status. But the Narikuravar people continue to be marginalized to this day. Access to healthcare, education and formal employment is still limited. Historically rooted prejudices persist in the Indian population.
The Narikuravar, who are portrayed here, live today in small stone houses built for them by various organizations after a tsunami destroyed the community’s settlement a couple of miles away in 2004.
Steff Gruber
Hafnerstrasse 60
8005 Zürich
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