Image of the refrigerated container that contains migrant bodies that were found in Laredo, TX that were transferred to Dr. Kate Spradley's team for identification. Dr. Spradley is a biological anthropologist and forensic anthropologist at Texas State University who leads the Operation Identification (OpID) project.Image of the refrigerated container that contains migrant bodies that were found in Laredo, TX that were transferred to Dr. Kate Spradley's team for identification. Dr. Spradley is a biological anthropologist and forensic anthropologist at Texas State University who leads the Operation Identification (OpID) project.Image of the refrigerated container that contains migrant bodies that were found in Laredo, TX that were transferred to Dr. Kate Spradley's team for identification. Dr. Spradley is a biological anthropologist and forensic anthropologist at Texas State University who leads the Operation Identification (OpID) project.86 TX-131 Eagle Pass TX 78852.(Kevin C Downs/Redux)
Operation Identification
Photographer: Kevin Downs
Exhibit Title: Operation Identification
Location: United States
Operation Identification
The Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State began a service-learning project�'Operation Identification (OpID) led and directed by Dr Kate Spradley. This photo project is to tell the story of this group of Anthropologists, who serve the families of the missing and law enforcement agencies within Texas that have limited resources to pursue identification efforts. Operation Identification (OpID) facilitates exhumation, processing, analysis, storage, and identification efforts of migrant deaths from South Texas. Without their efforts, many families would never know the ultimate fate of their loved one. The purpose of this photo project is to raise awareness of Operation Identification.
I am a documentary photographer and photojournalist. My work is about the average person, trying to tell their stories as best as I can and the border is part of my home and I want to try and help tell the story about these people who have passed away, through the collaboration with Operation Identification (OpID)
Kevin C. Downs
Caoimhghín Ó Dubháin
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