Salman, 13, a boy suffering from a severe neurological disorder and blindness, is standing in his home in Arif Nagar, one of the nineteen water-affected colonies surrounding the abandoned Union Carbide (now DOW Chemical) industrial complex in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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Bhopal Second Disaster

Alex Masi | Madhya Pradesh, India

Bhopal is not yet at peace.

Twenty-eight years have passed since the 1984 gas disaster, caused by the American corporation Union Carbide, but many families are still trapped in the nightmare that began on that distant night.

Half a million people were exposed to the toxic cloud released from the plant, while all the safety mechanisms failed to work. Thousands died within weeks.

Today, its poisonous legacy is not only affecting the health of those who survived, but also the wellbeing of their children, many of whom are suffering from severe neurological and physical disorders, caused by the on-going environmental contamination.

Left buried in various spots around the abandoned industrial complex, the toxic waste of Union Carbide is penetrating the area’s underground water reservoirs.

Since the 2001 acquisition of Union Carbide by DOW Chemical, the corporation has single-handedly refused to accept any responsibility.

An on-going lawsuit against DOW Chemical is still pending before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City. It seeks damages for injury, medical monitoring and for the clean-up of water and soil.

 Copyright: Alex Masi 2009 - 2012 - All Rights Reserved

While documenting the on-going health crisis in Bhopal, I strived to portray my subjects with intimacy, meaning and depth.

I wanted my images to convey emotions, to stimulate our deeper and most innate feelings: our senses compassion, brotherhood and justice, in the hope of becoming an active catalyst for the promotion of awareness, action and change for the people of Bhopal.

My book, entitled 'Bhopal Second Disaster', has been published in October 2012 in New York City, USA, and is the winner of the '2012 FotoEvidence Book Award'.

The Bhopal Medical Appeal -

Chingari Rehabilitation Center -

Sambhavna Clinic -

International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal -

Alex Masi

Website: -

Facebook Page:




Phone: 0044.755.734.3017

Honorable Mention - Unicef Picture of the Year 2012, for his long-term project in Bhopal, India;

3rd Prize - ‘Days Japan International Photojournalism Awards’, for his series from Fallujah, Iraq. Exhibitions scheduled throughout Japan in 2012;

'FotoEvidence Book Award 2012'. 'Bhopal Second Disaster' has become a hardcover and Ipad book in October 2012. The official launch was held at the VII Gallery in New York City;

Italian Journalistic Prize 'Premio Enzo Baldoni 2011';

'2011 Getty Grant for Good';

First Price - 'United Nations - Yonhap International Press Photo Awards' Singles – Enhancement of International Peace;

'The Photographers Giving Back Award' assigned Alex a grant to create and implement a specifically designed plan, benefiting one of his subjects and her family living in a contaminated colony of Bhopal, India;

First Prize - 'The 2nd Jacob Riis Award' - The Gala Awards;

'2011 Focus For Humanity NGO Assignment Fellowship';

2nd Place - 'FotoWeek DC International Awards Competition' Series Photojournalism/Social Documentary;

First Place - 'Harry Chapin Media Award for Photojournalism';

Finalist - 'New York Photo Awards 2010' – General Editorial Single;

First Prize - 'China International Press Contest' – Daily Life Single

Selected - '2010 Photo District News (PDN) Photo Annual';

Special Prize - 'Days Japan International Photojournalism Awards';

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