A very common phenomenon in Bosnia are abandoned buildings. In the war times many buildings have been bombed and until this very day wasn't reconstruct. The amount of ruined buildings in Bosnia is astonishing and makes your realize how broad this war was and how it got to every little village and every big city alike. These ruined buildings became a hot spot for junkies to shot up and enjoy their high.

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Getting clean - The Story of Ex-Addicts

Danielle Shitrit | Bosnia and Herzegovina

"Not the war period that the post war period destroyed much more Bosnia and much more people than the war period. The 3 years destroyed people in the way of killing them, in the way of losing life. But this 18 years destroyed people in the way of losing purpose"

These are the words of a 14 years ex-addict that describes very accurately the entire situation of drugs abuse in Bosnia these days. The affects of the war are not only on the buildings filled with bullet holes or the pavements decorated by mortars attacks. The war's implications are also and mostly, on the people themselves. My work focuses on ex-addicts - People that went through a lot in their life and manage to pull themselves out of that world and start a new page in their lives. In my work I present a process - from drug abuse, to needle exchange, to methadone treatment to getting healthy and starting a new life.
These people are a personal inspiration for me and I hope will be for others sturggling with similar issues.

Project by Danielle Shitrit


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