The two lighthouses on Spurn Point, the most southerly part of Yorkshire's coastline: on the left the old, on the right the new. Both stand guard over the point.

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Lost Coastlines

Jane Robb | Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Coastlines in Yorkshire, UK are eroding, while at the same time being deposited further down drift. New landscapes are constantly forming and reforming. Communities have also formed and re-formed over millennia, their ephemera literally becoming part of the bedrock of the landscape.

When I consider the term 'conservation', I envision examples of barriers between humanity, the landscapes and ecosystems we wish to protect. I wanted to question this image of conservation in this project. Sometimes we lose landscapes, sometimes we gain them: a process that has repeated for billions of years of Earth's history. Each landscape is as valuable as the other.

We humans are embedded, literally, in every landscape. Although no faces appear in any of the images, people are present in each one, down to the scrubland the fox pounces on. We are inextricably connected to the land, whether we erect barriers or not. Many UK coastal communities are also eroding, but there may be power in the thought that like the land, we can re-form into something new and valued.

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