A young Tukana boy running along a desiccated riverbed by Riamram Kori village by Lokichar, northern Kenya. Since oil drilling began here more than a decade ago, the rising heat of the environment has been palpable, villages say.

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Kang-Chun Cheng | Kenya

Oil prospectors promised to lift this neglected Kenyan community out of poverty, but a decade later, residents say they’ve been endangered and abandoned.

In a surprising turn of events, British-Irish Tullow oil and gas explorer company has full control over oil licensing rights in the South Lokichar Basin as of May 2023, after partners Total Oil and Africa Oil Corp backed out. Tullow has explored oil drilling in Kenya since 2012, during which there were constant doubts regarding  the project’s fruition and profitability (Lokichar is part of the greater LAPSSET project, connecting an oil pipeline from Kenya’s Lamu Island to South Sudan). Since 2020, the Early Oil Pilot Scheme has produced more than 350,000 barrels of oil.



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