Kenya, Turkana County, close to Lodwar, 12th February 2019 - A dead Camel. According to the United Nation’s report in this area, about 15% of animals die every year because of drought, threatening the survival of Turkana people. The high morbidity in animals is also due to the fact that drought reduced the availability of pasture and resistance to diseases. In camels, the diseases include camelpox, diarrhea, pneumonia (camel cough), mange, anthrax, ticks, and biting flies.
Turkana, in northwest Kenya, is the poorest and least developed county in the ASALs (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands). Almost all of the inhabitants of the Turkana district are pastoralists, so their survival depends entirely on livestock, natural resources for food, and daily activities.
In the last few decades, due to climate change, the air temperature increased by about three degrees, while more frequent and prolonged droughts have reduced the natural resource base. Pasture resources for livestock have been dramatically reduced, encouraging those closest to Lake Turkana to turn to fish as an alternative livelihood.
The area is the fuse of violent conflict. Indeed the proliferation of illegal arms from southern Sudan and the reduction of natural resources has contributed to the escalation of insecurity along the area's shared borders with Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, and other counties in Kenya as Pokot and Marsabit, causing the death of hundreds of people every year.
A photographic series is a process that is anything but random, it is made of study, reflection, comparison, and analysis. A photography series is a creative process made of emotions, involvement, and empathy. How is it possible to ensure that these apparently discordant expressions coexist?
I traveled to Turkana for several years, where I breathed in the smells and flavors of those lands, I talked, traveled, ate, breathed with the local people, I observed, I listened. I carried all this within me in order to guide my instinct during the shot. This is my creative process.
"Turkana Drought" represents who I am: For years I have been observing the effects of climate change, I see them in television reports, but I also experience them first-hand. The effects of climate change are devastating first and foremost for communities already vulnerable due to extreme environmental and social conditions. “Turkana Drought” explores the effects of climate change on the Turkana people of Kenya.
Turkana is a climate hotspot, here in recent decades the air temperature has increased by about 3 degrees, double the world average, so more frequent and prolonged droughts have reduced the natural resource base. Grazing resources for livestock have declined dramatically, encouraging populations closest to Lake Turkana to turn to fishing as an alternative livelihood or to migrate to urban centers. Moreover, the area is the fuse of violent conflict, the proliferation of illegal arms from southern Sudan and the reduction of natural resources has contributed to the escalation of insecurity along the area's shared borders with Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, and other countries in Kenya as Pokot and Marsabit, causing the death of hundreds of people every year.
Friends of Lake Turkana (@FoLTurkana)
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